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Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as 'not secure' starting in July 2018

Written by Brendan Quigley | Oct 1, 2018 2:16:00 PM

What has changed?

In 2016 Google announced that they would be moving towards a more secure web by eventually marking all websites without and SSL Certificate as not secure. Two years later in July Google announced that Chrome 68 has been updated with this change.

Since Chrome is the most used browser across all devices, thanks in part to Android, this change is significant for all businesses. 

What the change looks like

Here is the new change.

By placing a neutral coloured "Not Secure" in the URL bar of Chrome, Google hopes to warn users that the site they are on isn't using encryption.


Why do you need encryption?

Here's Googles explanation.

"When you load a website over plain HTTP, your connection to the site is not encrypted. This means anyone on the network can look at any information going back and forth, or even modify the contents of the site before it gets to you. With HTTPS, your connection to the site is encrypted, so eavesdroppers are locked out, and information (like passwords or credit card info) will be private when sent to the site."

The change to mark sites without encryption, is an attempt by Google to be clear with users about the encryption of the site they are on and to motivate site owners start encryption.

It is also important to note that the neutral not secure warning changes to RED when you start to enter information on the page. 

This  not only effects logins, but also any form on your site, including contact forms. 

Why does this matter to businesses?

Your website is often the first point of contact between you and your customer. Simply put, if your website is perceived as "not secure" then this idea will become attached to your business. Maintaining trust is an important part of successfully leading customers on the buyers journey - a journey that is difficult to nurture without a trustworthy website. 

The other impact this will have is SEO. SSL certificates have always played an important role in the Google Search algorithm, Having a SSL installed on your site will improve your overall SEO. 

Then there is the actual security benefits for your business and for your customers. By having an SSL installed you can protect your site from  malicious attacks, and protect your customers from compromised sites. This doesn't mean that an SSL certificate locks up your website and makes it unable to get malware. It does provide an extra layer of secure for you and your customers.

What if I don't have an SSL installed? How do I fix this?

If you don't have an SSL certificate installed right now, don't worry, you don't need to completely rebuild your website. Most hosting providers provide an easy way to purchase and install SSL certificates. 

Over all this change made by Google is an excellent one, ensuring that the security of the internet is a priority. This change also takes care of the user which is the most important part. 

There are lots of small and easy changes that you can make to your website, like the SSL Certificate, which can have huge impacts on how your websites operates.

If you want to take a closer look at your site, solve any SSL issues and improve how customers use your site, book a free website review by acorn30.
