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B2B Selling in 2021~ Using a Client Relationship Management System

Written by Tanith Rothman | May 18, 2021 5:41:00 PM

I just don’t have time!

Does that sound familiar? It is a sentence I have come across many times in my career with helping people expand their business.

Often, this sentence is stated by small to medium size business owners as their business is growing, and they need help. As the superhero of the family, this person will take on all the responsibility of juggling the various duties to run a lucrative operation. Or possibly have a small pocket of trusted people who help.

You might hear while in conversation with a colleague, “I just don’t have time to learn and implement all of this to my business!” Never mind not completely understanding the technology behind a CRM (Customer Relationship Management), but the fear of the unknow and not trusting that it would be a good fit for your business model would stop the person from moving forward.

With the ever-evolving world of technology, and the looming cloud of Covid-19 demanding a new normal, it can seem like a very daunting road ahead. It gets to a point where a business owner will know they need help with managing their marketing, sales and customer service departments but are often stuck on how they can move forward without impeding operations.

So what is a CRM?

A Customer Relationship Management software stores all your record information for contacts, companies, deals, tickets, and tasks. It is a single shared view that the sales, marketing, and the service departments use as a source of truth.

Why does my company need a CRM?

Implementing a CRM to your business model will help your company grow with everything you will need to market, sell and service your customers the right way, all in one place.

How will a CRM benefit my marketing?

You can attract more of the right people, by creating and sharing more useful content, running tailored ad campaigns, and engaging with leads via personal messages.

How will a CRM benefit sales?

Empowers your sales team to sell in a more personalized, better, and more efficient way of selling. This attention to detail will be noticed by your customers.

How will a CRM benefit the customer service team?

Helps you engage with your customers, guide them to solutions and turn them into promoters that will help grow your company even more.

Think of it this way; the world has changed and how you interact with your customers will mean that you will be part of the change and your business and customers will benefit.
