September 29 - 2023

5 Ways Manufacturers can Transform their Sales Organization

Generating a sale can be tough for manufacturing businesses. The average conversion rate from a Contact Us form is 10%. In order to increase sales you may need to take a look at your sales organization and create changes that will benefit your company. Not many would think transforming their sales organization is mandatory, however doing so may be the key cause to increase revenue for your business!

To help you transform your sales organization, we will provide some key ways to help your manufacturing company lead generation and ultimately create a organizational change that will benefit your business for the future.


1. Understand The Sales Process Is In The Hands Of The Buyer

An important fact to keep in mind is acknowledging that B2B buyers highly drive the sales process in a company. Many companies use digital content beforehand to make their purchasing decisions; more than 70% through the decision-making process before contacting a sales representative. To grow your company and retain customers, shift to digital and data-driven approaches, thus increasing excellent quality sales leads. Analyzing your prospective customers' needs from your current customers by asking them about their experiences with existing suppliers will give you a better foundation for the content to include on your website. By doing this, it establishes that you have the prospective customer's best interest in mind, building a trusting relationship.

Download Now -> Comprehensive Guide to Lead Generation for Manufacturers

2. Organize Your Relationships In A CRM

A Customer Relationship Management software stores all your record information for contacts, companies, deals, tickets, and tasks. It is a single shared view that the sales, marketing, and the service departments use as a source of truth. Implementing a CRM to your business model will help your company grow with everything you will need to market, sell and service your customers the right way, all in one place. You can attract more of the right people, by creating and sharing more useful content, running tailored ad campaigns, and engaging with leads via personal messages. Empowers your sales team to sell in a more personalized, better, and more efficient way of selling. This attention to detail will be noticed by your customers. Helps you engage with your customers, guide them to solutions and turn them into promoters that will help grow your company even more.

Sales organization ways to transform

3. Using Automation And Email Templates

Using sales ready-to-edit email templates is quite efficient and saves time when reaching out to a prospect. Any email provider has the feature of allowing you to create your templates. A few suggestions are to use HubSpot as it has CRM and marketing automation capabilities: automate emails, schedule social media posts, etc. The software program makes use of triggers that routinely sign up internet site visitors in new nurture paths that may assist manuals of their studies and sourcing process — and helps you to see what they are primarily engaged in, making your company is in a higher position to generate a sale.

View -> 4 Types of Key Email Marketing for B2B Businesses


4. Parallel Your Sales And Marketing

Sales and marketing teams are interconnected as both of them establish the same goals. However, it is strictly essential to increase transparency on both the marketing and sales team to grow your business. Take a study at your past numbers and where they've led you. Using your CRM and advertising and marketing automation platform's reporting capabilities, run the numbers, and ascertain what number of leads your advertising and marketing crew needs to deliver to the table for the sales crew to establish the number of deals that are necessary to hit your goals for the current year. Having an integrated workforce recognizes how they must work together to help the business function internally and from a sales standpoint.

Learn More -> Additional Ways to Align Sales and Marketing Teams

Aligning your sales and marketing team will transform sales organization

5. Learn When To Say No

Remember, not every customer may be a good fit for every product or service. Although companies have the mindset that it is crucial to meet the customer's expectations, if the customer has unrealistic expectations that the company can’t fulfill, the sales representative must learn when to say “no.” Other prospective customers would happily work with you and your company but sometimes hope to deliver them other offers/promotions. As a sales representative, you can try making a compromise that works for everyone. However, if the customer won’t budge, the best solution would be to walk away. It would help if you didn’t continue to waste time on someone likely never to buy from you. Instead, spending your time on more viable opportunities, collaborating with other clients, and making your company more competitive.

Creating a change in your sales organization can be scary; however, once you conquer that fear and start transforming your sales organization, you will reap numerous benefits!
