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Guide to Converting Anonymous Traffic Into Leads

Written by Heather Watson | Sep 15, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Converting anonymous traffic into leads is no easy task. Oftentimes, we talk to business owners who find it challenging to achieve a high conversion rate. To convert traffic, you will need to shift your Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) into Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs).

To convert anonymous traffic, you need to understand what Marketing Qualified Leads and Sales Qualified Leads are. We have outlined key characteristics between the two in this blog. The way websites and other domains like HubSpot track visitors are by following the viewer's website history before they become contacts. Visitors are assigned new cookies, so if they delete their cookies, they will be given a unique cookie. HubSpot goes into detail about tracking visitors here.

There is a whole framework associated with converting anonymous traffic into leads, and we will take a look within the system.

Download Now -> Comprehensive Guide to Lead Generation for Manufacturers

Step 1: Not Every MQL Will Shift Into A SQL

MQLs are only potential prospects that may convert into a sale eventually. However, MQLs have not yet shown any progress towards creating a sale. The harsh reality is that there are many MQLs that will never return. However, the positive is that people who are seriously interested in your service or product have a higher chance of contacting you. Therefore, some MQLs you may never even have to communicate with, and you’re able to use your energy on the serious prospective clients. If a client has contact with the company, they have converted into a SQL via contact.

Here are the top ways to create a positive sales experience, according to buyers:

  • Listen to their needs (69%)
  • Don't be pushy (61%)
  • Provide relevant information (61%)
  • Respond in a timely manner (51%)

These statistics will provide you with the foundation to generating sales from prospective clients.

Step 2: Knowing What Shifts A MQL Into A SQL

To determine what shifts an MQL into a SQL, you need to know your target buyer persona. By knowing your target audience, you’re able to focus on converting the MQLs into SQLs. Converting current MQLs into SQLs will require patience and research.

Delve Into:

  • What have previous MQLs looked into before turning into a SQL?
  • What do your current SQLs ask you?
  • Do they click on your CTAs or Offers?

Once you have a certain amount of information on your traffic, you can organize the data and create lead-scoring rules in your customer relationship management tool.

View -> Benefits of Implementing a Client Relationship Management System

Step 3: Offering Multiple Conversion Points

To convert anonymous traffic into an MQL and then a SQL, you must offer conversion points! A conversion point can be complex or straightforward. If there aren't any conversion points, there would be no way for them to convert. Additionally, offering multiple conversion points helps with differentiating custom client needs and wants.

Effective Examples:

  • Website chatbot
  • Email Campaigns
  • Offers/CTA’s on your website


Step 4: Align Sales and Marketing Teams

Aligning your sales and marketing team is vital to transition your MQL into a SQL. This step can occur at the beginning of the conversion or later on. However, both the marketing and sales team must share data in order to provide accurate information without mishaps.

Ways to Align Sales and Marketing:

  • Cross pollinate at meetings - Marketing should attend sales meetings and vice versa. There's so much that can be picked up through osmosis.
  • Establish some ground rules - Identify and create documents such as service level agreements, marketing to sales hand-off processes, sales deal pipelines, agree on definitions for metrics and KPIs and reporting processes.
  • Learn from each other - When possible, have marketing come along on a sales call or let sales be part of content creation.

Sales and marketing alignment can help your company become 67% better at closing deals, and can help generate 209% more revenue from marketing.

Learn More -> Additional Ways to Align Sales and Marketing Teams


Manufacturing companies may find it challenging to convert anonymous traffic into leads, however making even the slightest changes can reap many benefits!
