October 06 - 2023

Signs Your Website is Out Of Date

Websites are crucial to any business. Whether you’re a small company or a large corporation, prospective clients will always tend to view your website for information they are seeking. On average, a person visits your site for 1 minute to 1 minute, 30 seconds. The goal within the time frame a person enters your website is to interest them with your company or service, so they are inclined to learn more.

You may ask what exactly does my website need to attract people? To help you with your website and see if it is up to date, we will take a further look at signs that your website may need to be updated.

Learn More -> Additional Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website at a Low-Cost!



1. New Content Has Not Been Added On The Site In More Than A Month 

Google re-crawls sites that are posting new content regularly and prioritizes search rankings accordingly. Posting new content every month demonstrates to customers and prospects that you’re committed to staying current. Updating new content — a form of blogs, eBooks, checklists, white papers, calculators, product specs, etc. helps your website get recrawled and prioritized in search rankings. In addition, updating your website consistently enshrines trust between you and customers.

2. Users Can’t View Your Site Correctly On Their Phone

Nowadays, some buyers are accessing brand and product information from their smartphones. Buyers choose to self-educate online rather than calling a sales representative. Thus your website must be easily accessible on mobile devices. Smartphones and other mobile devices are convenient for searching products, gathering product information/specs, and comparing pricing. Thus, having a well-presented and responsive design of your website formatted on a mobile device will enhance the user experience.

Web design and the importance of keeping your website up to date

3. There is a “Not Secure” Notification On Your Website 

It is essential to ensure a secure website for your customers and prospects to browse online.
Many customers and prospects take security and privacy, as they want to be protected against cyberattacks and fraud. Having “HTTPS” in your address can help protect and safeguard your customers and prospects while also providing them a pleasant experience browsing on your website. Furthermore, having an excellent secured website can help your website rank higher in search results.

Looking for ways to see Responsive web design? We have rounded-up a list of tools you can use

-----> Best Tools To Measure Website Performance <-----


4. An Effective Online Product Catalog Does Not Appear On Your Website

Typically, people will bounce off your site 30 to 60 percent of the time without looking around for long. Your website must include an up-to-date and easy-to-use online product catalog. Being a manufacturer, OEM, or distributor, it is essential to provide your prospects and engineers with excellent and attractive digital product catalogs. This conveniently helps buyers see what products your shop offers, product specs and make online purchases more manageable. Having a shift to direct-to-consumer selling, it is important to remember to allow your website to be your most reliable sales channel. 

HTTPS: Security of website with website tools

5. You’re Not Seeing Any Leads Or Potential Buyers From Your Website

Many users want to visit a site that is easily accessible and is well-formatted. Technical audits, such as load time, are the main element that enhances the user's experience; users are less likely to revisit a site if it has a lengthy load time. Lengthy load time is often impacted by your website design. A frustrating user experience is resulted from: a website embedded with oversized images is using a low-quality hosting site or has internal 404 errors. To gain more customers and prospects, it is crucial to have an effective website that invites users to stay awhile and explore.

Creating changes in your website can be scary, and even learning web design can be taunting too. However, once you update your website and start transforming it, you will reap numerous benefits!
