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Steps for Responsive Website Design

Written by Heather Watson | Jun 25, 2021 6:15:00 PM

Responsive website design can be overlooked. The more interactive your site is to help the consumer, the more they will engage with you. On average, a consumer will look at two pages. Within those two pages, the consumer will have a rough idea of what your business is about. Therefore, ensuring your website is responsive the moment a prospect lands on your page would be ideal.


You may think just having a website is enough, however almost every business has a website in this digital age. To stay competitive, it is of your interest to have a responsive web design that will invite more prospective consumers. To help you with your website, we will take a look at crucial steps for responsive web design.

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1. Website is Content Oriented 

Many customers and prospects focus on the content and valuable information that your website has to offer. The valuable content must be easily accessible, even when screen real estate is narrow. Ensuring the header and the content itself are evident insight on mobile devices without the need to scroll. Having strong and navigable content enhances the user experience and potential buyers.

2. Website Design is Responsive On All Mobile Devices 

A responsive and effective website should be compatible with all devices, including smartphones and mobile devices. Designing a website should first be started with mobile styles and added additional columns and styles with media queries. Having a “Mobile first” design would help you prioritize valuable content for limited screen real estate and limited attention spans and helps to reach all tech devices that are not compatible with media queries.

Learn More -> Additional Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website at a Low-Cost!

3. Having Easy Navigation on Your Website 

Accessible navigation enhances the user experience. However, you want to make sure that your navigation menu doesn’t block out any valuable content. It is recommended to hide the navigation menu on smaller screens, such as mobile devices. Including the “hamburger icon” for navigation on your website is compatible with smaller screens that will allow users to access full navigation when needed easily. Remember to make sure your text is easily readable across all devices; font default size 16px with a minimum of 12px, and a 1.5 line height recommended by Google’s Material Style Guide.

4. Website is “Touch-Friendly” On Mobile Devices

Many users browse websites from their smartphone or mobile devices; thus, links, buttons, CTAs, etc., must be “touch-friendly.” In addition, users appreciate the interactive element of a site that can conveniently be browsed using their fingers. Therefore, use an appropriate size for the height of your buttons, in particular a minimum of 10mm. This enhances user experience as prospects are able to browse your website effortlessly across all mobile devices. It is advisable to limit popup boxes. Settings can be manipulated so they only appear on desktop and not mobile so as to ensure a good visitor experience. No one wants to deal with popup boxes especially on mobile devices, most people might just click off the website entirely.

5. Investing In Testing Tools Ensures Your Site is Accessible Across All Devices

On average, the click-through rate to a website page is 1.5 percent compared to 2 percent from an email. Remember, only one in five people open your email in the first place. It is recommended to invest in testing tools to ensure your site is conveniently accessible for all users. You may have already tested your site on all devices, but testing elsewhere enhances user experience and helps you gain more potential customers. In addition, testing elsewhere pushes your website into becoming an effective and responsive website for all users.  

Looking for ways to see Responsive web design? We have rounded-up a list of tools you can use

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Through a well maintained and responsive website, you may generate leads that you would have never before!
