August 12 - 2021

Inbound Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Marketing has evolved throughout the years. Previously, buyers weren’t as informed on their options as they are today. People didn’t have access to the vast amount of information that is available now. They weren’t able to use Google or check testimonials of businesses. Those were the days of cold calling and basic advertisements. Today we take a deeper look into traditional marketing as well as inbound marketing and the differences between the two.

Daily, consumers see traditional marketing as commercials, billboards, pop-up ads, and telemarketing, and they are referred to as "disruptive" because they disturb the consumer.

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The Problems With Traditional Marketing

Disruptive marketing tactics have fallen into disuse because today's buyers are no longer at the mercy of businesses. Because various platforms have evolved into their own advertising mediums, they are accustomed to seeing thousands of advertising messages per day. Companies can now reach out to prospects through the networks they are using. With so many different media options and platforms to choose from, 67 percent of B2B buyers depend heavily on content more than they did a year ago to research and make purchasing decisions.

Technology Has Empowered Buyers

Buyers now have instant access to a wealth of information. Consumers today can access the resources they require with just a few clicks on their smartphones, tablets, or computers. Consumers are increasingly opting to self-educate in order to compare products, troubleshoot problems, and stay up to date on new innovations and technologies. People today are more likely to turn to social media to gain insight into a specific company or to receive support for specific application issues rather than reaching out to companies directly.

Technology Has Empowered Buyers

Many Buyers Don't Trust Ads

Consumers are regularly exposed to being scammed by advertisements; in fact, they expect it. This general consumer distrust, combined with increased regulation as well as an increasing number of advertising related lawsuits in recent years has stemmed in a marketing landscape extremely negative to disruptive tactics. Placement of advertising on platforms that are relevant to buyers and at the right time is what helps convert leads. Ads should be suited to each prospect to ensure maximum response.

The Alternative: Inbound Marketing

Turning to inbound marketing strategies would be highly beneficial for your company. Inbound marketing is explicitly permission-based; contacts must already be looking for your company, and the primary objective is to get them to graciously provide their contact information in order to receive valuable  promotions and company alerts

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The Alternative: Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Benefits

Inbound marketing is an evaluated strategic approach; 77% of online customers prefer permission-based promotions via email. They also spend the substantial amount of time online engaging with custom content such as blogs, videos, webinars, and so on. Marketers respond by creating unique experiences that allow buyers to self-direct their buying journey. Furthermore, businesses that use inbound methods save more than $14 for every new customer. Manufacturers are shifting trade show budgets to inbound marketing because it is more cost-effective, generates more qualified leads, and simplifies the jobs of their sales, marketing, and product teams.

With inbound marketing efforts, your company could see massive growth and success. Developing growth in difficult industries, such as in construction industries can be a bit hard, however you’d be surprised where they are right now because of inbound marketing. With inbound marketing tactics and with a new redesigned website your company will drastically see an  increase in quality leads for the sales team and increase sales revenue in your company in no time.

Inbound marketing benefits heavily outweigh the traditional marketing route. We strongly encourage you to enhance your inbound marketing efforts or switch over if you are still using traditional marketing. It may seem like a challenge, but it will significantly help your business. If you'd like a free 30-Minute Marketing Assessment to bring your marketing tactics to a new level, please contact us!

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